Sunday, February 7, 2010


I'm still plugging away on the chevron sweater, and I've managed to finish not one, but TWO! sleeves. Here they are, Mr. Left and Mr. Right:

For a person who likes things to line up EXACTLY when I'm sewing up a stripe or plaid, I feel like I've been allowing myself to run naked in the woods while knitting this. Because when you knit with Noro, it just does its own thing. And I am amazing myself by how much I love the randomness of the result. It's just fascinating to look at, every piece is so different.

On another note, I did actually cook the chicken (with sides, of course) and let my mind work on the bodice drawing from the last post. I've thought of several ways to do it, and as usual, some are simple, some are not so simple, some could be considered as simply cheating, and some are simply complicated.

I'll give this more thought and maybe even (gasp!) try to draw a little. If the idea of me drawing something doesn't make you quit reading, I guess that nothing will.

Thanks to all for welcoming me back to blogging!

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