Monday, March 12, 2007

Up Next: Golden Tulip

Now on the cutting table is Golden Tulip, with this pattern, from 1950:

I'm making the one on the left. Right now the plan is to use just the single large collar (maybe with some ribbon trim?) and of course, the wonderful pocket flaps. It may also have ribbon trim, or big buttons, or something to catch the eye. And the sash, too. I love the full skirt, about 90". So girly!

Here's the back:

Yes, this came from ebay. My husband was actually surprised that they were still in business, since I was totally cut off from e-commerce for 12 days!

Although this pattern calls for a side zipper, I plan to cut the seam allowances 3 inches larger on the left side pieces so I can do buttons instead. If I do go ahead with a zipper, I can just whack the extra off later.

The Mailman Cometh, Finally

We didn't get mail delivery for 5 days, but when he finally made it he had a double armful of stuff for me. Here's some of it, along with two loaves of homemade banana nut bread from one of my students. Thank you, you know who you are.

I don't know which I enjoyed more, the mail or the bread! Maybe I'll get the secret recipe (hint, hint) to share with yall. I do know that he used bananas that were almost totally rotten, and that's why they were so good! Added to its deliciousness is the fact that he arrived with it when I had no power, but plenty of tears.

Anyway, this was in the mail:

Although I can't find a copyright date on this, I am assured that "All Advance Patterns are cut accurately for size and conform to the measurements recommended by the Bureau of Standards fo the U. S. Department of Commerce."

Wow, that's a relief.

My favorite is View 3, with the zigzag border. Each of these can be made with less than a yard of fabric. I found lots of fabric cuts in my mother's collection (mainly Christmas prints) that I hope to use to make aprons for some female cooks I know........girls, be nice to your old aunt, now.

Getting those angled pieces to match at the seamlines will be the trickiest part. Careful pinning will be the rule of the day.

And I have a little something in mind for The Princess, too.......


CandlebyNight said...

I love the girly dress. I love the apron pattern. Post pics of the fabric puleeeeze!
You are a hoot! Glad your back and I'm sure the folks at ebay are relieved.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I seriously have no idea how to use blog sites so I was wondering if you ever made up the little girls sailor dress. I have no idea how to search your blog but if you have a finished project I would love to see pics of it!