Monday, September 24, 2007

A Litttle This, A Little That...

I came home from work today to find this in the sewing room:

Although it might upset you to come home and find one of your windows missing, it made me deliriously happy. That's because in the not-so-recent past there was a TREE sticking through the window. So this is real progress, as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, the house repairs from Tornado Time continue. Right this minute there's a Brick Guy working on the foundation for the front porch. It's been six months and I don't even notice the hammering and pounding anymore. Either the contractor dudes are s-l-o-w, or we are paying them too much money.

Me? I'm just glad they're here. Eventually I'll have a real house again. In the meantime, I think I'll sew, smock, knit, and shop for more stuff to sew, smock, and knit.

Here's the completed right front of the Mandarin Cardigan:

It's not that blue in real life. Here's an artsy shot for you:

I've started on the left front and have about four inches done already.

And while I've been rummaging around I found this book of vintage baby knits from the 50s:

And lookee here!

I don't know where this came from, because I would NEVER start another knitting project when I have one underway already. But here's a close up anyway:

This is Dolce Amore, simply the absolutely softest cotton baby yarn in the world.

And it might, just might, end up as something on this page:

Any guesses?

And I also found all this gorgeous Swiss batiste, 1728 lace, ribbon, entredeux, insertion, etc:

There's white, ivory, seafoam, blue, pink.....

I need to get busy, don't I?