Saturday, November 3, 2007


We had another gorgeous day here today, and I spent it cleaning and doing laundry. Once I got sick of that, I loaded up several Random Teenagers and we headed out to the movies. If you haven't seen "American Gangster" yet, go. Denzel is The Man.

Tonight I unsmocked most of the red in Frolic. I decided I liked a little of the red at the very top and at the bottom, so I left it. For now, anyway. Sometimes you just have to set a project aside for a day or so and just think about it. I have resmocked one row, using the same green as the background of the fabric. Hopefully you can see it in the picture below:

Is this looking any better? I really wanted to get this done this weekend. More tomorrow!

1 comment:

angie.a said...

I have ALWAYS kicked myself for not making this one for my Lu when she was smaller. Now she's outgrowing BSY and I'm very sad. :( But yours is looking beautiful!