Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Still Here

Yes, I'm still here, but having computer/router/modem issues that really cramp the blogging thing. As soon as it gets worked out I have pictures of the Spring Break Sewing Marathon for you.

She Who Is Pregnant With Twins is in the hospital with contractions and high blood pressure. Hopefully this will all work out and she'll be out soon; otherwise, she may get to enjoy hospital food for a couple of weeks. Keep her in your thoughts, if you will.

I'll try and get the pictures up tomorrow. Sometimes life just gets wild, you know?

1 comment:

Jen said...

From another who was pregnant with twins, on bedrest for a goodly amount of time, delivered at 32 weeks complete with pre-ecclampsia and a 9-day hospital stay -- my now-17-year-old girls were born at 3lbs 15oz and 2lbs 15oz with no breathing problems and tagged as "growers."
It's gonna be fine. :)