They curl because they are worked in reverse stockinette stitch (or the back side of the knitting--geesh, isn't that a much easier way to understand it? but I digress).
Next we have two fronts, a left one and a right one, up close and personal-like:
If you look carefully at that photo, you will understand why I am busily knitting a third front.
Why? Because I originally bought three huge hanks of this stuff (3000 yards) and since it's all hand-dyed, each hank varies. What looked to me to be identical stuff actually has knitted up into two very obviously different colorations. So I am making another front out of a more closely matching hank. I figure I'll have about 1200 yards left over when I'm all done. Scarf, anyone?
Oh, yeah, I'm still cooking--supper Thursday night:
Supper Friday night:
Carbs, anyone?
"Food"--they would starve in my kitchen. That is a huge refrigerator; what brand is it? It is just amazing. I can see how you would need one like it.
Actually it's two refrigerators. They are by Amana and they have the freezers on the bottom. We love them.
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