I discovered this huge act of idiocity when I started to put it on for a photo. I was totally amazed at myself. This is what happens when you watch college football while sewing.
At any rate, here it is now. It needs seven buttons and a hem. It already has buttonholes.
I was really loving this, but now I'm not so sure. Why?
Here's the detail of the right sleeve:
And here's the detail of the left sleeve:
Those pleats should be mirror images of each other. But in this case, a Stupid Person didn't orient the pleats in the correct direction. And they have been topstitched and serged, too, of course.
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So what will an aggravated Southern girl do at this point? Will she......
- throw it in the trash
- throw it out a window
- cut it up into tiny little pieces with a very sharp pair of Gingher scissors
- whack off the sleeves
- give it up and go back to cooking
I'm discouraged.
I like the top a lot..Since it is highly unlikely that a person can see the sides of both sleeves at the same time, and if you have no more fabric, I'd say let it alone. The print is busy and it is difficult to tell the difference in orientation. I've had sewing projects which seemed to include every mistake possible to make, and then I did one more thing. It will be OK<<<
Dear Grace, Please wear the thing! You put so much work into it and no one will notice the sleeves! Love, A Fan
I agree with all of the above. I bought a blouse once that the cuff was on backwards. I wore it all the time and no one ever noticed it, and if they did, they never said.
This is lovely fabric and your blouse looks great. Only you and maybe your dry cleaner will know that it is wonky!
Awww...don't be discouraged, Grace.
Remember Responsibility, Fortitude and Perserverance!
Those sleeves will never be noticed from a trotting horse and besides...that fabric is just to lovely to bury in the trash.
It is a beautiful shirt.
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