Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Bird A Day

She Who Is Pregnant With Twins has been confined to bed rest. During the holidays she went to the not-so-local hospital (since ours was blown away by the tornado) not once, but twice. The first time it was due to kidney stones. She had two of those, too. The second time was due to contractions. After a couple of days under observation, she was sent home on strict bed rest until the babies arrive. So she's at home, eating ice cream. To console her I have started cooking again. She will eat anything, and lots of it, as long as there's ice cream to go with it. I have a feeling we are ALL going to gain a lot of weight.

To help mark her progress, I started stitching birds. These birds, in fact:

This design is Birds in the Bower by The Goode Huswife, from 1999. I've had this since it first came out. I'm working it on 32 count Dirty Sands linen with DMC thread. Here's my progress so far:

My goal here is to stitch a bird for every day she's on bed rest. It's just a way to mark off her progress while she grows babies. I'm already 3 birds behind. Sheesh!

I'm off to stitch a bird (or two). Send good thoughts our way, if you will. They are much appreciated!

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