A quick update, then I'm off to see another Ontist Guy. Maybe this time it won't be as bad as last time, and besides, there's a big fabric store where I'm going. Wish me luck!
The front view, without the sleeves:

I like the collar; interfacing will make it better. Maybe I should cut the collar a smidge longer, and let out the center back seam a tad to adjust for it. Sounds good. Even though the collar is not too tight, it will probably lie better if it's longer.
Notice the huge gaps at the armholes, did you? Me too. I need to take out quite a bit there, so I will incorporate the extra into the tart.
The side view, in all its gaping glory:
The side view, in all its gaping glory:

Those side ties will be spaghetti-ish in the real top. I just folded and basted, so they are too wide.
And the back view (no, my shoulders aren't that wonky, I'm standing sort of sideways here):

More gaping at the back armhole! And saggy yoga pants!
In this next photo I pinned out the excess at the front armhole. As you can see, I pinned out too much. Too much makes me look pointy, instead of perky. Perky is good, pointy, not so much.
So first I will raise the shoulder seam (there's a trend developing here) to remove the gaping at the front and back armhole, like so:
I'm off to get a root canal. Send good vibes (not for the root canal, for the fabric shopping!)
Back later!
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